Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> I have tried to summarize the effects of Quirks Mode, since
> the summaries and notes that I found were rather limited.
> Would someone like to comment on what's missing?
> "What happens in Quirks Mode?"
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/quirks-mode.html

Speaking of IE7, and according to Microsoft [1] there is a long list of bug
fixing and new features only available in standards mode. Nothing outside
the things you already mentioned, but you could add something more, like
support for child selectors, correct support for !important, ...

In theory they wanted IE7 in quirks mode to behave exactly as IE6 in quirks
mode (including /all/ bugs), to avoid any maintenance problems for quirks
mode pages. This is almost true, even if I've found small discrepancies
(fixes that have slipped through in quirks mode, at least partially.)

Two small comments on your page:
1) About 'Vertical alignment of images', I believe you should add: "if they
are the only content of the enclosing block", since in presence of text  the
alignment is always 'baseline'.

2) About 'Default horizontal padding for a floated image', I believe it is
3px not 2px.


[1] http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/08/22/712830.aspx

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