On Fri, 13 Apr 2007 22:09:34 +0100, Christopher Blake wrote:
> Hi all.
> http://www.3pointdesign.com/
> http://www.3pointdesign.com/styles/one.css
> This is eventually going to be the home of my new site. After months of 
> redesigning and
> changing my mind I have got something that I am happy with. Before I start 
> adding too
> much content, could people please give me as much feedback as possible with 
> regards to
> browser testing, things to be aware of etc.
Interesting concept. I usually start out with content, mark it up
"sensibly" first, then add styles after.

Still - the first impression is nice. I suggest you use a valid method
of including Flash, rather than the deprecated EMBED[1].
It may help with IE 7, too.

The footer text @ 9px is tiny on my laptop - equal to 5 points on a
printed page. If I increase text size, the welcome message bursts
out of its box.

You may like to use a spell checker once you have meaningful content.
(I know I can't get away without one.)

[1] <http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/>


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