Hi Alan,

Thanks for the feedback.

 >> Hi all, I've posted a new article on my site explaining CSS menus:
 >> http://www.sunburnt.com.au/publications/design/css_menus I guess this
 >> is pretty archaic stuff really, but I'd be interested if anybody has
 >> some feedback or can spot some bugs. It's been 4 years since I first
 >> wrote about CSS menus, and I think I've got them pixel-perfect now :)
 >> Roger
 > Hi Roger
 > I going to be brutally honest. You have used display:none to hide the
 > unhovered submenus. This is not good for accessibility. Some screen
 > readers will not display those parts of the menu with this value. The
 > display:none also prevents the submenu list items to be tab to in any
 > browser, again not good for accessibility. The value display:none
 > should never be used in list menus or for most coding in general. The
 > are much simpler methods like position:absolute -999em.

Some good points. That's the first time I've ever heard of positioning 
used to hide menus like that. When I have some more time, I'll 
experiment with it further. Exactly what happens when you tab to an 
element at top:-999em?!

 > IE7 is buggy. When the the containing li is hovered after text sizing
 > down, the descending ul preserves the width of the larger text size
 > width until the ul element is hovered. The bug happens in reversed
 > when text resizing up. Sometimes the list items padding reduces when
 > hovered.
 > Most importantly, how does the menu work when there a doctype? You
 > have no doctype, so mordern browsers are rendering the menu in quirks
 > mode.

A poor omission due to my own laziness. I added the doctypes and it 
actually fixed the text resizing bug on IE7. Let me know if you still 
see the problem.

 > There are 30 lines of javascript which does not include the comments.
 > The sons of suckerfish dropdowns have 12 lines and that is all that 
is > needed.

Okay, suckerfish wins :)

 > The javascript should be in conditional comment targeting for IE6 and
 > earlier or a browser that doesn't need the javascript still has to
 > download it.

The js behavior makes reusing these menus that 1% easier for me. I would 
be surprised if any browser other than IE actually downloaded a URL from 
a behavior style, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

 > Soon I will be demonstrating a list menu that builds on to the
 > strengths of the sons of suckerfish menus, and like the suckerfish
 > menus is accessible and with no bugs.

No bugs? I wish there was such a thing in the CSS/browser space ;)



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