> Hi,
> If you have sometime could you please take a look here:
> http://www.linkhomes2000.co.uk/trials/basic-index.php
> David G)
> ---------
I think all versions of IE have a problem with  the use of percent for 
anything other than  primary width bearing containers. Try maintaining 
the percent width of #content, and #sidebar, and readjust the percent 
value for the margin-left of #sidebar. Set  #wrapper to 100%. And delete 
the percent padding, percent margins, and percent widths on everything 
else. This  /may/ at least open it rail to rail in IE 6 and 7 and 
compliant browsers; and, give you a common ground start point.
I hope someone else will be able to provide a simple fix. Personally, 
I'd think about starting  over with a clean sheet with one very simple 
style sheet-- positioning only the two blocks, the header and the footer 
to work cross-browser before entertaining more. This layout 
<http://blog.html.it/layoutgala/LayoutGala30.html> might work as a base.


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