On Fri, 18 May 2007, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

>> It seems that font-size-adjust helps in some sizing issues on
>> Firefox 2 (Windows)
- -
> Yeah, it helps readability of articles, like when you mix two font-
> families in the same run of text:
> <p> text text <code>code</code> text text</p>
> where code uses a monospaced font and <p> uses a sans-serif font.

Interesting. It seems to help with the problem that monospace fonts and 
proportional fonts are quite often too differently sized. I wonder if we 
can (and should) simply set
* { font-size-adjust: 0.5; }
where 0.5 is to be replaced by the relative x-height (aspect ratio) of the 
primary font suggested for copy text.

So far I haven't found any risks with this idea, but there are surely some 
nasty bugs lurking around somewhere.

> On a slightly un-related note: may I assume that those have the full
> range of unicode characters available when installed on XP or Vista ?

No, the coverage is still rather limited, but it includes Unicode 5 
coverage _for some scripts_ (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, some others). There 
is _no_ font that covers all of Unicode. (Code2000 probably comes closest 
to covering BMP.)

This might be relevant if you use special characters that have to be taken 
from fonts other than the copy text font. If a character is designed in a 
small size relative to the font size, then the font size adjustment may 
turn it into too small (or too large). But this is just a possibility and 
not a very serious one, as compared with all the other problems you have 
with special characters and insufficient coverage in fonts.

> Afaik, upgrading to the latest MS Office installs those fonts.

Yes, and most of them are also available from microsoft.com for some older 
versions of Windows, such as XP.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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