Mauricio Samy Silva wrote:
> From: "Tango" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
>> First I have an unwanted space at the bottom of floated images and can't
>> seem to find a fix to the problem.
> Add:
>  .maplist img {display:block;}
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks this worked perfectly.
>> Secondly, is there a better  way to center the <div>'s that dose not 
>> require a width to be set.
> Question isn't clear to me. Sorry. What DIV are you trying to center?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sorry about that.  The div I am centering is #map using these styles:
    padding-top: 25px;
    width: 616px;       <---------------setting width I loose a liquid flow
    margin: 0 auto;     <--------------centering the div
    border: 1px solid red;
I was curious if there is a better way to handle this.  I would prefer
to have a liquid layout and have the images and captions drop to a new
line in smaller browser windows.  This is a test page for content that
will later be automatically generated using php/mysql.  The amount of
content will vary (25 to 75 images) at different times.
>> how do I contain the second row in it's <div>
> Add:
> .maplist {
> actual rules;
> display:inline;
> }
Thanks I tried this but it didn't appear to help.  The red border shows
where the div is, that all images/captions should be contained with in. 
I can't seem to get it to  include the second row of images.  I really
need to contain the content inside the #map <div> .
> Regards
> MaurĂ­cio Samy Silva
> The page in question is at
> and the CSS is in the source.
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