On 5/24/07, Ingo Chao wrote:
> This issue is a new (renewed) italic bug present in IE7, compare [1]. It
> is related to the wrapping of the italic phrase /S. cerevisiae/ in your
> document. Starting from this, the paragraph that has a white
> background-color cuts the floating image.
> A simplified test:
> http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/tmp/ie7italic.html
> I am not sure how to stop it. You could apply a haslayout-trigger for
> IE7 only like min-height:1px to the paragraph, but this would prevent
> the paragraph from wrapping around the float. [2]
> I thought you could remove the white background-color from the p, but to
> no avail. The image was still cut. Additionally, the parent needed
> haslayout. This seems to be a possible fix in your situation:
> .content {
>         min-height: 1px;
>         ...
> }
> .content p {
>         /* background-color:#fff; */
>         }

Interesting. It seems that paragraphs with italics at the end of a
line get more "attention", so they start a sort of stacking above the
Another fix is to apply position:relative to the float, seems to work
both in your test case and in the original page (but I don't know if
it could have adverse effects.)

Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test
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