On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 13:16 +0300, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> On Sat, 26 May 2007, David A Knight wrote:
> > Not sure how IE copes with it, 6 doesn't, not tried in 7 but I suspect
> > it won't either.
> IE 7 doesn't support counters and generated content (and :before 
> pseudo-elements etc.) at all. Thus...
> > ol { counter-reset: mycounter 0; list-style: none }
> > li:before
> > {
> ... IE ignores everything you say, except the list-style: none part. Thus, 
> IE renders the list with no numbers.
as expected

> You could use a "conditional comment" to override the list-style setting 
> for IE, but what would then happen on less common browsers that don't 
> support counters and generated content and don't obey the "conditional 
> comment" either?

of course, the post wasn't meant as a you can do it this way, for the
reasons you state, more an academic it is possible to do with css.


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