Maybe I don't get float. Maybe this is a known bug... I've made a bare-bones sample page to show my misunderstanding... or the bug...
<mhtml:{0CCD3315-325B-41A0-8F7A-971ACF2C88CC}mid://00000014/!x-usc:http://tr> There's a float : right image. Yes... it's a beaver wearing a shirt. He's Canadian too. Start with a wide browser display of more than 1000px and shrink the width below 800px. The div#inner with the red border will clear the float. It seems like a bug to me, or am I misunderstanding float? Isn't the floated image supposed to glide right over the inner div schooching the inline-text out of the way? Interesting... If I remove the width : 700px on #inner, it behaves properly, not clearing the image. I'd like the inner div with the red border to not clear the image, but I'd like the inline text to clear the float as always. Seems to work properly in Firefox. But or not, is there a fix? Sam ______________________________________________________________________ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] IE7 information -- List wiki/FAQ -- Supported by --