At 6/6/2007 09:57 PM, David Laakso wrote:
>A good structural test for a layout is that it should hold without
>breaking, overlapping, or float dropping at +2 font-zoom in the Gecko

I've never understood the sense of that criterion, e.g. "the page 
should survive two [or three] font size enlargements."  Doesn't that 
depend entirely on what size the smallest font on the page is?

If my vision were so weak that I needed to enlarge text to 1/2-inch 
type on the screen, it wouldn't matter whether that required one 
click or ten, I'd still need it to become that large.  It's not the 
number of enlargements that's relevant, it's the size of the resulting type.

Let me know if I'm missing something there.

What I don't know is if there's any kind of a minimum font size that 
we should ensure our readers can achieve.  I doubt that there is one, 
given the variation in vision impairments, but I'll be curious to 
know what others think.

I apologize if this is considered to be off-topic; it's an 
accessibility point, but in my mind very pertinent to styling.



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd. 

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