From: "David Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I'm trying to make a javascript-free hover menu for some images 

>in IE 6 the menu
>for the top images is hidden by the images below. I've tried setting
>the menu's and images' z-indexes, and while this works in firefox it
>has no effect in IE 6.


The z-index of a parent element that displays a hover behavior must be higher 
than the z-index of a following parent element, in order for IE6 to get the 
stacking order right. While you have added a z-index, it's not on the correct 

I have put up a page for you to look at [1], rather than just give you the 
solution here, because your HTML page is poorly formed and I wanted to make 
sure my suggestion would work with what you have in a "proper" setting. 
Briefly, you page has no doctype or charset, and the style element exists 
outside of the head element. 

I'm not sure what all those conditional comments are doing hanging around 
(other than apparently writing improperly nested elements for the IE browsers) 
but I didn't change them. I guess that's one way to solve problems.


I hope that this information helps,

css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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