Terry Hamel wrote:
> I'm having trouble positioning divs.  There are two major parts of
> this page - the immovable header and the movable content.  The header
> contains a logo on the left, a subtitle in the center (left aligned to
> the logo), and a search bar on the right.
> Besides this, the content div only goes down as far as the content.
> I'd like it to fill the viewport even when there is little content.
> This website is internal and will only be viewed on Firefox browsers.
> I've convinced the corporation that IE is bad for business, except in
> certain cases where they need to view a website that is designed for
> IE, which is few if any.
> The URL: http://four.fsphost.com/thpublic/
> The CSS:
> * {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
> html, body, {
>       width: 100%;
>       height: 100%;
>       font: 0.8125em Verdana, sans-serif;
>       line-height: 1;
>       color: rgb(244, 242, 219);
>       background-color: rgb(30, 23, 14);
>       }
You have a comma after body which is means that the entire rule is being 
ignored.  See Firefox's error console for this CSS error and some JS 
errors.  You can add a min-height:  100% to your content division to 
make it as tall as the viewport.  However, I don't think it will look 
like it unless you put a repeating background image on your content 
division, even if it is a solid colour.  That's the premise behind the 
faux columns <http://alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/> method, if I 
understood it correctly :-)

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