On Fri, 2007-06-29 at 15:44, Bruno Fassino wrote: 
> Andrew S. Townley wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on why I'm
> > getting some strange behavior under Opera 9.  It seems to be
> > doing exactly what IE 6 is doing--meaning that it's recognizing
> > content inside a "Holly Hack".
> >
> > Any ideas (or suggestions of better ways to solve the problem)
> > would be most appreciated.  The demo is:
> >  http://atownley.org/wip/menu/
> I haven't seen any Holly Hack [1] in your CSS :-)
> You have this:
> #nav li.sfhover ul {
>       border: 1px dashed green;
>       /* this is necessary for IE/Win \*/
>       padding-top: 1.2em;
>       /* end hack */
> }
> As for hacks, you only have the backslash comment, that hides things from
> IE5/Mac. All other browsers read your padding-top.
> But only the browsers that get the "sfhover" class, which is applied via
> javascript, actually use that rule. And Opera seems to get this since it
> understands the Microsoft method attachEvent. You should filter Opera out
> (many ways to do this) in order to avoid the javascript to affect it (the js
> is only necessary for IE6-)
Yeah, I noticed that later, but I guess I only sent a reply to Ingo. 
That was a Reply vs. Reply All mistake.  Sorry about getting my hacks

> As an additional note, instead of using that padding you can define
> explicitly the top property (top:1.2em) for your absolutely positioned ul (I
> think this is better, and you can apply the same value for all browsers.)

I discovered this by accident when I was playing with themeing the
menu.  I was actually just in the middle of posting the updated example
when I saw this email. :)

Obviously, this is a more straightforward way to solve the problem, but
it wasn't obvious that was going to need it until now.

Thanks for your help,

ast (the slow one)

> [1] http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?page=2&cid=C37E0
> --
> Bruno Fassino http://www.brunildo.org/test

Andrew S. Townley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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