Hi David
  Thanks I have done that and validated it

David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  trevor bayliss wrote:
> I am using David Laakso´s Chealseacreekstudio five column layout which 
> can be seen here: http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/stuff.html 
> For some reason the footer in firefox doesn´t go to the bottom of the 
> page. Also I would like to move the c1 div (the h3 column) from the 
> left to the right. Any comments greatly accepted as to how I can 
> improve thie css on this page.
> The webpage:

Slow down. Let's take it one step at a time. Start by switching the 
columns first. Download this layout [1].

These two changes will switch the columns:

#wrapper { float: /*right*/left; width: 100%; margin-left: -188px; }

#c1 { float: /*left*/right; width: 186px; }

Do not change, add to, or otherwise modify the css or the markup of [1].

You have an image and h2 and a p for each of four sections. Add those items to 
each of the four sections. 

re-write these:

to read:

  Hospitals, Personnel, Equipment, Pathology Services and Casualty Evacuation

When you've finished only that much, validate the file, and write back-- and 
we'll go from there.





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