Thanks to Philippe Wittenbergh's help, I now realize that - with the exception 
of the root element - the background-color of any block element will normally 
apply only to its content-area, and that area, of course, is defined by either 
its actual content, or a specified width. 

However, in Eric Meyer's "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide", 2nd 
edition, Eric seems to indicate that in the case of absolutely positioned block 
elements, the width is in many cases determined by the offsets used ---   eg, 
{position: absolute; top: 25%; right: 25%; bottom: 0; left: 0;} defines the 
block's dimensions relative to its containing block.  The accompanying 
illustrations seem to imply that a background-color has been applied to that 
IMPLIED width -- and not solely to the area behind the content that is entered 
into the block element.  Here's an example:

First, the style:

#masthead h1 {position: absolute; top: 1 em; left: 1 em; right: 25%; bottom: 
10px; margin: 0; padding: 0; background: silver;}

Then an accompanying illustration, in which he has entered text into his 
masthead. The masthead's background-color, however, extends far to the right of 
the space occupied by the text, and below it, as well -- in effect filling up 
the width that was only implied by the offsets used to absolutely position the 
block element.  

When I try to duplicate this, however, I end up with a block element that, 
while positioned right: 25%, is completely limited to its text content -- there 
seems to be no acknowledgement of the width implied by the offsets.

Can anyone point out what I'm not seeing, here?

Thanks, in advance!

- Michael

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