I have a link on which the user can click, which is actually an image (an

When he clicks on the arrow, the arrowmust change color :

.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-next-horizontal {
    background: transparent url(next-horizontal-1.bmp) no-repeat 0 0;

.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-next-horizontal:hover {
    background: transparent url(next-horizontal-2.bmp) no-repeat 0 0;

.jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-next-horizontal:active {
    background: transparent url(next-horizontal-3.bmp) no-repeat 0 0;

In Mozilla when the user clicks on the arrow, the arrowis chaning to
next-horizontal-3.bmp for a short moment,
then next-horizontal-1.bmp.

But in IE the problem is that the image stays next-horizontal-3.bmp.

Can anyone help me with this ?

Thank u for any help !
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