
I've discovered that both IE6 and FF seem to put a default border (dotted) 
around any hypertext link while it is being clicked.  I've tried various steps 
to suppress this -- eg, adding the styles   "a {border: none;},  a 
{border-style: none;}  a:hover {border: none;}", etc -- but nothing seems to 

Here's my (very basic) style code, which the W3C CSS Validation Service okays:

body {margin:0; padding:0; color:black;font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", 
"Lucida Sans", "Lucida Grande", Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;} a 
{text-decoration: none; border: none}a:link {color: #79BEEA;} a:visited {color: 
a:hover {color: #C4BF66;} a:active {color: #C4BF66;}

I should add that "a {text-decoration: none}" does eliminate the browsers' 
default underline.

Any tips?

Thanks, in advance!

- Michael

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