Have a look at this URL:



Navigate through the submenu nav links "Our Board", "Our Staff", and "Our
Work With Others". In Firefox, the active link (a.active) is white. In IE6,
it's the same pink as the background, making it disappear.


Using the IE Developer Toolbar's "Applied Styles" function, here are the
first few lines of the output:

/* Matches for node: A class=active */

/* Rule 2 of /themes/imagine/IE_6_and_below.css */

UL.menu UL.menu A.active:link {
 COLOR: white

/* Rule 38 of /themes/imagine/style.css */
UL.menu UL.menu A.active {
 COLOR: white

/* Rule 12 of /themes/imagine/imagine.css */
UL.menu A.active:link {
 COLOR: #eaaebd

Although the problematic #eaaebd color is third in the list, it's the one IE
applies, even though there are clearly two more specific rules defining
white as the (correct) color.

Why is white not being applied?

Many thanks for your help,


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