Morning Bruce

You wrote

> John Lockerbie wrote:
>> PS Fwiw, top-posting is making it impossible for anyone to follow
>> this thread-- write below (rather than above) those you reply to
>> on the list
> That fad is your personal preference. Many of us dislike scrolling down 
> through long quotes to see whether the current posting has any content or 
> is of interest. Many of us prefer so-called top-posting or interleaved 
> posting.
> But I wouldn't presume to force either upon you.
> Bruce

Not a fad and not someone's personal preference.....

The following is from the list policies [1].... Please note the second 

a.. Trim your replies. If you have more quotation than original text, think 
about cutting down on the quoted stuff. The list members can look at the 
message to which you responded, or check the archive. Prune that quoted text 
with ruthless abandon. Everyone else will thank you for it, especially the 
list admin(s). Don't forget, thankful list admins are less hasty with the 
unsubscribe button.
a.. The list admin(s) will scowl heavily in the direction of any 
Jeopardy-style quotations-- ** that is, putting your answer before the 
quoted question to which you're responding ** -- but won't actually 
unsubscribe you for doing it. Unless you keep doing it without trimming down 
your quoted text (see above).  (emphasis added)


It might be worthwhile for list members to review them..... After all, when 
we joined the list, we *all* agreed to abide by them......

Best to all

Jim Nannery

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