First off I tried to post this once and it does not appear as if it went
through, if two posts show up about roughly the same problem, I am sorry for
my technical error.


This is a site that I am basically done with.  I need to begin to add the
content, but I need two final problems fixed.  Please be nice as I am still
quite new to CSS and trying to become better.  I know there is a lot more I
could probably do but I want to finish this up and more onto the next


I have two issues with my design and IE6.  If anyone can help I would be
greatly appreciated.


First, the navigation located on the left and right side is set up to have a
"hover" effect.  I have made the list item display as block.  This works
great in everything I have tested but not in IE6.  It appears as if IE6
ignores the block setting.  The hover effect works, but only when you are
over top of the text with your curser.  I want it to work even when the
curser is in line with the text, be it just to the right or left.  This is
currently working in all of the other browsers I have tested, including IE7.
Is there an IE6 hack that I need to place into my CSS document?  Does IE6
ignore display: block for a list item?


If there is no fix for this issue it is not the end of the world, but I
would really like to have the page be a little more consistent between
browsers.  Plus the majority of my viewers will be using this page in IE6
(something I can not currently control).


Second, IE 6 adds what appears to be a large amount of padding to my list
items (on the top and bottom).  This then places a huge gap between my
navigation versus what it looks like in IE7, Firefox, Opera, and so on.
Does anyone see an error in my CSS which would give me this padding?  I am
able to get rid of the extra space if I add a 1px border to the list
element, but this is not what I want to do.  Is this a glitch in IE6?  This
is a problem I really must fix.  I can not deploy this site with how the
navigation looks in IE6.  Help!!!!!!!


Validation: I know I have a few problems.  Some come from JavaScript which I
am very new in.  I am trying to correct all of the problems.  I believe
there are approximately 8 or 9.  One problem states the following: Line 5,
Column 1: Missing xmlns attribute for element html. The value should be:  And states this is the problem: <html
xml:lang="en" lang="en">  I know this is a CSS board, but does anyone know
how to fix this?


Are my validation problems on the HTML causing the above listed problems in
IE6?  Note: My CSS validations 100%.


Here is the link to my HTML:


Here is the link to my second HTML page:


Here is the link to my CSS:


Thanks in advance to any help / assistance you can provide.  I am pulling
what little hair I have out of my head over completing this site.


If I was not clear enough and I need to explain more please feel free to let
me know.


Matthew Stoneback

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