Julián Landerreche wrote:
> Hi all.
> First: sorry, I'm double posting this on two lists so anyone can confirm
> this (before reporting to Mozilla).
> The issue is simple (you will "see it better" by just creating a testing
> html with the snippet below):
> - there is a "white-space:nowrap" property (in the stylesheet) applied to
> the <a> element .
> - then, that rule is override with some inline styling applied
> ("white-space:normal") on two elements: one that wraps the <a> elements and
> one that is wrapped by the <a> element (that also contains the text).
> - the text  inside the <a> elements is a very very very long link.
> - and the link is inside a table with a fixed with.
> - every tested browser (but FF) honors both the width of the table and the
> "white-space:normal" applied to both the parent and children of the <a>
> elements.
> - but Firefox just expands the table width and doesn't break the link in
> multiple lines as expected
> The only one that isn't working as expected is Mozilla Firefox.
> Please, if someone can confirm this issue as a bug and tell me exactly how
> to report it to Mozilla (or even better, if someone has some experience
> reporting bugs to Mozilla)...


I can confirm that the bug exists in FF2, but I also tested it in a recent
build off the FF3 (Gecko 1.9) codebase, and it works fine there. I guess it
was fixed during the last cycle.

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