
My site looks fine on most browsers, but there are problems in MSIE  
5.5 and 6 and in Mac IE 5.2.

My site:


the stylesheet:


and screenshots in the offending browsers:


In MSIE 6, the right sidebar does not float properly, and the right  
margin of the main container div disappears off the right of the screen.

In MSIE 5 and 5.5, the sidebar floats, but the container div is not  
aligned properly:

#container {margin: 1em auto;}

I've looked through Position Is Everything and other browser bug  
sites and have not been able to pinpoint the problems with my site.  
The site does validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, and the CSS  
validates as well.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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