Z-index solution (well to some degree)

After having IE(win) flatly refuse to follow the declared Z-index 
values I went in search of the root of the problem. Position:relative 
seem to be the culprit however removing this value damaged the layout 
and thus was no solution. After some research it seems there is a 
known issue with IE (surprise surprise). What IE attempts to do is 
calculate Z-index for each positioned element and apply that index to 
all siblings regardless of stated Z-indexes on the siblings.

So one relatively positioned block with z-index:100 will overlap 
another relatively positioned block with z-index:200 if this element 
is wrapped in a relatively positioned element without declared 
z-index. Without a declared Z-index on the wrapper the absolutely 
positioned sibling gains a z-index of 1 since the parent would have 

The solution is to follow a given siblings ancestry back to where the 
two blocks interact and provide stated Z-indexes that will then 
translate correctly though the hierarchy.

Z-index continuing problem
After I went through my code and applied the Z-index to all parent 
blocks I had the layout (the drop down menu was the issue here) 
rendering correctly in IE after all. (much rejoicing)
This was all well and good until I tried to use the visible menu and 
noticed it would stop being functional when the cursor went over the 
area in the content that it once appeared under due to the Z-index 
problem. So despite appearing solved the functionality isn't.
I'll be having a go at solving this tomorrow but any ideas are welcome.

Other Menu problems:
The website now requires two drop down menu's rendered differently. 
The javascript on this site for menu functionality in IE (SF) seems 
to only want to provide functionality for one menu. If I duplicate 
the code and direct one at 'menu' and one and 'contentmenu' only the 
last one gains the hover effects as would be expected. I can't seem 
to get both menu's to function in IE together.

IE as well as Mozilla 1.7.1(mac) renders the contentmenu dropdowns 
horizontally as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated as usual. Regards

Wesley Lamont
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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