Hi List,

Could I please have help with this website!!

Seems to functions ok in Firefox

But the dreaded IE is giving me trouble with the horizontal menu.

I would appreciate some help in overcoming the following problems:

   second level menu alignment and font size.
   second level hidden behind images
   second level disappears with cursor to run over
   also bottom navigation alignment.

  Test-site is: .... url:  http://www.sun-safe.com.au/
                    css:  http://www.sun-safe.com.au/default-stylesheet.css
                    css:  http://www.sun-safe.com.au/IE-stylesheet22.css

  Thank you,


PS. It has been a couple of days since I first asked for help with the 
above problems, but I am not sure whether my posting made it to the list 
or not .... ??  8-)
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