At 12:59 -0400 on 09/26/2007, Seth Green wrote about [css-d] IE6 
Non-Existant Class Bug:

>As you will see if you load the page below... In IE6 the div remains
>red, even though it is explicitly set to green in the last rule.
>It seems that the middle rule, which targets a non-existant class is
>causing the problem. Remove that, and the div is green, even in IE6.
>Note: If instead of using the additional class selector in the last
>rule, I just use the id, then this problem also goes away.
>Has anyone ever experienced this issue? Is there a workaround?

Yes. Embed the correct version of the rule on the page. ID has to be 
unique on the page so IE6 is correct in stopping on the mismatch 
since when it finds the ID'ed tag with the wrong class on it since 
there can not be another tag with that ID to match. While it is 
theoretically valid to have more than one possible match, this would 
only be valid if the rules occur in a *.css Style Sheet. In that 
case, at least in theory, the rules could be intended to apply to 
different pages and should thus the rules should be fully parsed. 
Also, again at least in theory, if you rewrite the DOM text (and thus 
alter the class), the mismatch should NOT stop the parse.

Bob Rosenberg
RockMUG Webmaster
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