Gunlaug wrote:
>> "Position h1 relative to the left side."
> Gunlaug, i noticed in your example it was still positioned 
> absolute...? Giving it position absolute with a left of 900 px did it
>  for me but i'm not sure wether is has to be relative or absolute.

There's no definitive answer to that question, as 'absolute', 'relative'
or 'static' (default) may work - depending on how you organize source
code and CSS and design-ideas.
You may also float the h1 and position it with margins - positive and/or
You can also give h1 a fixed width and align the text to the right, and
it may work just fine.

So, what do you want?

>> "Delete the width on #wrapper you have given IE6."
> Great, that did it for IE. Could you elaborate as to why so i can 
> understand the reasoning behind it?

You have declared a 'min-width' for other browsers, and it looked like
you tried to replicate that in IE6 by giving it a 'width'.
Although 'height' function as 'min-height' in IE6, 'width' does not
function as 'min-width'.

So what you gave IE6 was a fixed width on a right-floating element,
which it obeyed to the letter and gave you exactly the line-up you asked
for - but didn't want.

(Be careful with what you ask for - you may actually get it :-) )

>> "IE6 also suffers from the italic bug, which you can try to 
>> control..."
> Tnx Gunlaug... that's what you get for page filling lol.

Nothing escapes browser-bugs :-)

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