Mauricio Samy Silva and Ingo Chao wrote:

>> Hi Ingo,
>> 1-) Thanks for take your time and fix the problem.
>>  For information purposes only:
>> A friend  point out another fix.
>> He said:
>> "You need to use 1px and not 1% here:
>> * html ul li a {height: 1px;}
>> I think sometimes the 1% equates to 0 and doesn't seem to "enforce" 
>> layout correctly. You will quite often find that 1% and 1px give 
>> different behaviors in IE so always try both."
>> His fix worked. What you think about?
> Correct. However, it does not fix the issue of the empty box.
> Hover portfolio, then interfaces, then graficas. Now, leave the 
> subsubnav. The sub and subsub collapse, as expected. Now move the mouse 
> back to portfolio again. See the sub /and/ subsub nav expand at once, 
> which is wrong. The subsub is not filled with text, but bordered. It 
> should not show up at all.
> Ingo

Hi Mauricio and Ingo

I will confirm what Ingo is saying and I have a screenshot [1] with a darker 
background for some contrast to see it properly. Not usual the bug disappears 
in IE7 when JS is disabled. So it is related to the sticky hover bug [2] maybe. 
I find it usual that when JS is enabled that I have to play leap frog in IE7 to 
access the submenus as the Portfolio link is not behaving as a block with a 
pointer showing all the time and the li:hover loses focus. This somewhat 
disappears when JS is disabled but the pointer still disappears.

Swapping the width from the <ul>s to the anchors seems to resolve all issues 
for IE7, but causes trouble now for IE6. I have play around with a fix [3] but 
still there is a big issue with the JS and IE6.

[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

Kind Regards, Alan


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