Hi all, I am brand new to the list, which means i'm a bit bleary-eyed 
and flustered. Yeah, we've all been there. I'm not hearing voices or 
anything yet, but I am seeing the little wavy lines. So I hope you will 
excuse any patches of rambling incoherence that I might drift into. I 
thank you in advance for your civility.

Now where was I? I'm making this site, it's retarded simple, and yet I 
came up against problems both when trying to lay it out with CSS and 
tables -- so i've settled on this hackneyed mix of the two. And it seems 
to work fine. It's all laid out now, and I'm just fiddling with the last 
details, like making the links live. And then BOOM.

When I click on the links, rather than going to the specified url, the 
whole layout changes -- gets skinny. at this point, the links work.

And for once in my life, it works fine from the start in IE6. I'm only 
getting the problem in FF. And it only happens in the <div>s that make 
up the body of the page -- no problems with the links that make up the 
navbar (a table with class selectors). Also, if you make the browser 
window skinny BEFORE opening the page AND THEN click on the links, they 
work fine the first time. I'm baffled.

My assumption is that the problem is with something in my div styles. 
I'm hoping that it's not a result of a mixed table / css layout. But 
basically once you make the layout skinny, it always works.

here's the html:
(I'm talking about the links in the body NOT the navbar)


css is here:
(I'm talking about links contained in div#rightcol and div#leftcol)


Ok. time for beer.
Any wisdom would be much appreciated.

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