Christine Masters wrote

Hi everyone!


> The problem that I'm having is that, now that the widget contains HTML
> elements rather than just images, that HTML can now be affected by the
> individual CSS of each of our hosted sites.
> In other words, the global settings on a CSS file (which I can't control
> because those are created by the individual papers) may change elements
> (such as input, font sizes, etc.) in my widget.
> Is there any change I can make to the widget so that it can NOT be touched
> by global CSS?
> Christine

Hi Christine

Having a look at the stylesheets, I could not see any Global reset or even the 
html elements in the source but using part of the Global reset on Eric's site 
as an example you could do to similar.

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a,
fieldset, form, label, legend {
        margin: auto;
        padding: auto;
        outline: auto;
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;

This is just restoring some of the defaults. This could be quite trial and 
error since there may be some selectors with more specificity [1]. You may also 
have to have each one as body h1, body h2, etc just for greater specificity. 
Then you can create your own styling. I have done similar for my wife myspace 
page. I hope this helps. 

[1] <>

Kind regards, Alan


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