21nasui wrote:
> Any tips on the ie6 problems or overall css guidance is appreciated.
> http://ellascreations.com/cat2.html

Not enough space in there, and IE6 doesn't respect any declared dimensions.

Adding / changing to...

.prod_1, .prod_2, .prod_3, .prod_4, .prod_5, .prod_6, .prod_7, .prod_8,
.prod_9, .prod_10 {
height : 240px;  overflow: hidden;}

#cproduct br {font-size: 1px; line-height: 0;}

#cproduct {width: auto;}

...will make it hold in both IE6 and IE7.
Doesn't cause problems in other browsers unless resized to above 200% or
so. Provide more height if that's a problem.

Quick description:

Providing a little more height in there, and cutting down and locking
the line-height on the <br /> , take care of most. Hiding the overflow
will force IE6 to respect dimensions and fix the rest.

#cproduct must not have dimensions or anything IE6 sees as
'hasLayout'[1] triggers, or else it will lose temper and calculations
and blow out the side of the container. That's another example of IE6'
lack of respect for dimensions.


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