On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:50:46 -0500, Timothy Kelty wrote:
> See example here:
> http://sarna.net/~quizosde/tests/mozillacenter/index.html
> I'm attempting to center a repeating-y background image on my body tag so it 
> always
> goes down the entire page.  Safari/IE6/IE7 work fine, but in Mozilla 
> (Firefox, Camino),
> when I make the browser window smaller than the container divs, the 
> background offsets
> to the left.  Hard to explain, if you test the above link and resize your 
> browser its
> easy to see what I'm talking about.  Fire it up in Safari or something else 
> and resize
> and it acts as desired....
> Any ideas?

I see the same effect in Opera.

You have a background image on the BODY element and another on
the "container" DIV. What you are seeing is the BODY background 
centering on the view-port, while the "container" background is centering
on that element's fixed width -- hence the shifting in a narrow window.

I'd say that Firefox and Opera have it right.


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