I don't think it's an issue of the browser being maximized or not -- to me it 
looks like this undesirable thing is happening when the browser is just too 
small to show everything on one line. But that's a technicality, I guess.

The thing is, the page is doing what it's supposed to do. The "LOGO" div for 
example, is set to 100% of the page. But when the page is less than 700px wide 
(more or less), the actual logo and the "call us toll free" images don't fit 
anymore over the entire width, and so the "call us toll free" is put UNDER the 
logo (the width of the div is still 100%, of course). 
To avoid that (and make sure both images are always next to eachother and don't 
wrap), I'd say you'll have to give the "logo" div a minimum width (so that when 
the page is not wide enough, a horizontal scroll bar will appear). If you give 
the div a normal width of 700px, you'll see what I mean.

That is, if I understood the problem and question correctly! ;)

Big Moxy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Page - 

Css - http://projects.missioninternet.com/senior/css/styles.css


When the above page is displayed in a less than maximized browser the logo
and navbar divs wrap in an undesirable manner. The logo and navbar are 100%
css while the content below is table based.


Your help is appreciated!



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