Sébastien FICHOT wrote:
> Hello !
> I would like that DIV #Reactions-Blog is displayed on the right, and  
> that his height not added in top of article title (IE). It is a  
> reltive positionned DIV, with extra Top and Left positions.
> With FF, I have a more important problem, since the whole DIV seems  
> moved all in bottom.
> I don't know what to modify, I take the code of a colleague and I do  
> not control CSS well.
> Can someone give me a little hand check ?
> http://celtipharmcom.aricie.info/Accueil/Detail/tabid/104/itemid/2626/language/en-US/Default.aspx

I fear a little hand wouldn't be enough to shovel through a 14-level 
deep nesting.

Look for
this is followed by a div with clear:both inline style
This clear clears the right column, therefore Firefox correctly moves 
the box all the way down.

You'll have to check if this clear is really needed, and if so, you'll 
have to establish a block formatting context on one of its parent 
elements, probably by just making it 'float'.

For the misplaced satellite box to the right that is actually positioned 
absolutely, you'll have to make an element within the center column be 
the containing block (position:relative) for it, so the left/top offsets 
can work with respect to this containing block.


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