Karl Bedingfield wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a little confused as to why the following style does not give me
> opacity in IE7. Is there anything you can see I have done wrong? All I
> get is solid black!
> li.thumbBlock h3 span {
>       padding:3px;
>       color:#BBB;
>       background-color:#000;
>       filter:alpha(opacity=80); opacity:0.8; -moz-opacity:0.8;
>       }
> Thanks
> Karl

The filter needs haslayout to work. The span is probably inline, you'll 
have to add zoom:1 or display:inline-block. And in any case, it will act 
like an inline-block. This may affect the design, although the snippet 
is too small to say.


ps. wondering what will become my standard reply to this list once 
haslayout is history in IE 8.

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