On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 04:50:22 -0700
Alan Gresley wrote:

> Michael Adams wrote
> > I have been lurking here for the last month and have a question
> > about the right way to handle IE using CSS.
> > 
> > I use a master CSS file with the format as follows. To me, the
> > master file method as well as solving the 'old browser' issue, is
> > easier for another designer to approach my code.
> > 
> > /* Master CSS File */
> > @import url(layout.css);
> > @import url(colour.css);
> > @import url(fonts.css);
> > @import url(.css) all; 
> > /* 
> > For the final import line above
> > IE and AOL9/Win load a file called "url(.css) all" 
> > All other browsers load ".css"
> > */
> > 
> > Is the above IE hack considered the best CSS solution for this
> > method of loading CSS? Are there others?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Michael
> I would say that there is no universally agreed best method of feeding
> IE alternative styles. The general consensus is not to hack unless you
> really need to. The method that you have shown is actually the IE
> @import hack [1] and not the propriety IE Conditional Comments which
> are added to the html. There are many alternative CSS hacks for IE [2]
> some of which result in parsing errors (invalid hacks) and some of
> which that don't (valid hacks).

Sorry, had been reading about IE Conditional Comments before wondering
if there was a newer method totally workable within CSS, hence the off

> Doing some test [3] with @import hacks I find that they can be very
> simple, scary.

Scary because they are so simple or scary dangerous? 


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
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