On Jan 21, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:

> I thought my container div [#artbody] would expand only to fit the
> content occupying it, but it expands to fill a much larger area. What
> can I do to make it function as I want it to?
> http://thewei.com/china/zodiac.php

What do you mean ?
The div is explicitly set to be 100% wide (that is, as wide as the  
parent block element, in this case <body>). It does that, correctly.
And it is as tall as all the content inside of it: a <h5>, a <table>,  
a <div> and a <p>.

Note that in a decent browser, the margin-top on the <h5> is  
collapsing through the #artbody div. This doesn't happen in  
iExploder, as #artbody has 'layout'.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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