Hi Alex and Dean,

Let me clarify. Several weeks back this was not happening. I don't post
frequently, however when I posted this week there was a significant lag.
Approximately 36 hours. That seemed like an unnecessarily long time for a
message because (a) I've posted in the past and posts showed up in a timely
fashion (2-3 hours), and (b) I could not see any reason that even if
messages from me were still be moderated, that it should take upwards of 36
hours for them to be released. (For a recent post, I had given up assuming
that it was accidentally squashed by the evolt.org server.)

Since I've posted to the list before and previously had message show up in a
more timely fashion -- albeit many hours -- but still timely, I was
concerned that recently my posts where taking 12+ hours to show up. 

As you pointed out in the guidelines, "it can be several hours" before a
post shows up. However, my expectation is that "several hours" means
something of a magnitude of 2-3 hours, not 12-36 hours. 

Also, as the guideline points out, "contact the list administrators". I
would have done that if the moderator info was readily available. I ended up
having to send a post with a COLORFUL subject line in the hopes of getting a
moderator's attention. That's not exactly an efficient -- even if it is
effective -- way to "contact the list administrators".

> You only have to wait for approval the very first time you post. As 
> often as not, that approval is given within a couple of hours, if 
> not even sooner.
Okay, but according to Dean my post was held for moderation. This was not my
first post, or second, or third, etc. So the "approval" never seems to have
happened and my posts are still be moderated, which brings me back to the
12-36 hour lag time.

So, I guess I'll know where everything stands once I hit the "SEND" button
on this reply and see WHEN it shows up on the list.


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