Hello and thanks for letting me join your group, although it's very 
intimidating for a novice.I am definitely not a hand coder, but I sure 
have changed a lot of code by hand. I built a table oriented image heavy 
website no CSS. I struggle to get to first base with CSS on my top 
banner, it should be simple- changing the text between my logo and a gif 
one of my rings. It is presently a fixed size table that I think should 
expand to the browser.
Original site   http://www.equestrian-jewelry.com/index.htm  - Right now 
I am just worried about the top banner.
Visually what works best is http://www.equestrian-jewelry.com/test1.htm
This is what I want, the two large images are spacers for now till I get 
the top working. This code isn't good but displays well on IE5,6, 
Opera7,9 and Mozilla, even on old Netscape.
I think  http://www.equestrian-jewelry.com/jewelry_horse.htm  is as 
close to proper as I can see. It even validates-but the banner doesn't 
layout properly.
http://www.equestrian-jewelry.com/test2.htm looks good  (alternate text 
only shows) but the right  image is dropped to low.
I tried to keep this short but I keep wanting to cry. Can you please 
take a look at what I have done and offer some advise?
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