Elli Vizcaino wrote:

> Not sure if this would fall under off topic.

It's on-topic as far as it relates to practical use of CSS.

> But I
> wanted to know what the reasons are for using a strict
> doc type as opposed to transitional.

The use of a Transitional vs. Strict doctype declaration, as defined in 
HTML specifications, has no impact on the rendering of the page, or 
anything else, except validation.

But using a Transitional doctype without a URL puts e.g. IE into Quirks 
Mode, whereas a Strict doctype without a URL doesn't. Such doctype 
declarations do not conform to HTML specifications.

In Quirks Mode, browser behavior can be very different from "Standards 
Mode", especially in the treatment of CSS constructs. For a list of 
possible differences, see

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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