I've been working on this site, my site, in short spurts between other
projects and could be doing something entirely wrong. The site uses floats
to place main navigation list links with background images at both the top
of the page and for project links in the sidebar div to the right of the
main_content div on the projects page:
http://www.hadseldesign.com/projects.html .

Here's my problem, when you click on a link in either the main navigation or
the sidebar links FF places a faint dotted line around the link that extends
all the way across the page to the left side. It is intended as an
indication that the link is actively selected, but it is very distracting,
especially with the sidebar links where it runs over the page's main
content. I'm wondering if there's some way I can avoid it.

The stylesheet that controls the main navigation is at:
http://www.hadseldesign.com/common/main_nav.css and the one for the project
links is under /* Project page styles */ toward the bottom of
http://www.hadseldesign.com/common/main.css .

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