On 8/02/2008, at 5:10 AM, Geoffrey Hoffman wrote:

I am fairly certain that the PNG alpha trick that dynamically places a


on your site's png files does not work on repeating backgrounds.

Search on IE6 transparent png on google and there's hundreds of helpful

If your site uses a solid background color you can use flattened gif  
ie render the drop shadow into the background color.

No, the technique does not work with repeating backgrounds.  I have  
given google a bashing over this (even before appealing to the list)  
and have tried various hacks, including the php hack, Dean Edwards  
IE7 (which includes one of the popular hacks), and several other  
approaches, including spending time with z-index values due to  
flattening the image causing all background properties to come through.

The issue is the background of the page has an image set, and PNG24  
in supporting browsers seems to be the only way to achieve what I want.


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