On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:31:53 -0600, Hayley Kinash wrote:
> I've got an absolutely positioned div inside a relatively positioned 
> div, but in IE the child div is breaking out of the parent and uses 
> the body as its parent.  There's a width and a height on the parent 
> div, and all divs above the parent have position:relative and a width.  It
behaves as expected in FF and Safari.
>[code snipped]

> See this article at PositionIsEverything.net for the lowdown on this bug:

> <http://www.positioniseverything.net/abs_relbugs.html>

> Hopefully this helps.

> Cordially,
> David
> --

The PIE article indicates that the fix for IE is to put a width and/or
height on the parent - it has both, and position:relative.

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