For my horizontal tab menu, I'm working on markup and css to produce an 
"active" tab effect. For various reasons, I need to use descendant 
selectors to trigger the "active" tab rather than add a special selector to 
the active tab (e.g., id="active"). But, using descendant selectors doesn't 
work unless I change the selector on an element that is not involved in tab 
activation. And when I *do* change the selector on the unrelated element, 
the tabs start misbehaving in Firefox. The details follow.

I have some test pages in which I've inserted a generic version of Eric 
Meyer's tabbed navbar.  Here is the navbar markup (fyi, the tab_wrapper div 
is local and not part of Eric's tab markup):

<div id="tab_wrapper" class="select_tab_1">
<div id="navcontainer">
<ul id="navlist">
<li id="tab_1" class="tab_1"><a href="#" id="active">Item one</a></li>
<li id="tab_2" class="tab_2"><a href="#">Item two</a></li>
<li id="tab_3" class="tab_3"><a href="#">Item three</a></li>
<li id="tab_4" class="tab_4"><a href="#">Item four</a></li>
<li id="tab_5" class="tab_5"><a href="#">Item five</a></li>
.... etc. etc. ....

==>Test page #1: using the default navbar and the id="active" approach. The 
active tab works:

The rule that controls active tab is:

#navlist li a#active
background: white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;

This rule produces an active tab with a 1px white bottom border on the <a>, 
which obscures the default 1px black bottom border provided by the <ul>.

==>Test page #2: using descendant selectors instead. Active tab does NOT work:

The rule that controls active tab is:

div.select_tab_1 .tab_1 a, div.select_tab_2 .tab_2 a, div.select_tab_3 
.tab_3 a,
div.select_tab_4 .tab_4 a, div.select_tab_5 .tab_5 a, div.select_tab_6 
.tab_6 a,
div.select_tab_7 .tab_7 a, div.select_tab_8 .tab_8 a, div.select_tab_9 
.tab_9 a,
div.select_tab_10 .tab_10 a {
background: white;
border-bottom: 1px solid white;

==>Test page #3: uses same descendant selectors as #2. But I discovered 
thru tweaking that if the <ul> has a class selector instead of id, the 
active tab works.

However, in Firefox, this arrangement leads to a bug when screen text size 
increases. As size increases, the ul's height grows out of proportion with 
the li's and a's and as a result, the 1px black border on the ul is no 
longer hidden by the active tab's 1px white border.

Can anyone help me understand why changing to a class selector on the ul 
allows the descendant selector to activate the tab? And why the Firefox 
behavior? FYI, the surrounding layout uses ems in many places to control 
size. I suspect the navbar ul is inheriting an ems setting from elsewhere 
in the css, but I haven't found the cause. I've used FF/Firebug and 
WebDeveloper, but haven't found the culprit.

Thanks.  --julie 

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