On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 11:54 PM, Cory Shubert
>  >h4 {
>  >background: transparent url("/images/windows-logo.gif") no-repeat
>  center center;
>  >padding-left: 42px;
>   >}
>  Question on markup code in CSS.  I have seen markup as above, where the
>  image tag inside parenthesis has quotation marks and sometimes without.
>  Which is it, q.marks or not?
>  Thanks,
>  Cory

Firstly, I would like to note that CSS in NOT a markup language; it's
a styling language. If you have some images for presentatioal purposes
then they should be in the CSS. Images that are part of the content
are the ones that should be marked up. An example, an image of Hillary
Clinton on a newpaper website is content, and therefore should be
marked up with HTML's element img:

<img src="hillary.jpg" alt="" title="Hillary Clinton" />

An image of say, "Email this article" link is presentational as it's
not part of the content, and therefore should go in the CSS:

<a href="article.php?send_article">Send Article</a>

CSS could be:

a {

background: url(email.gif) no-repeat top left;
padding-left: 12px;

Using double or single quotations or not using them at all doesn't
make a difference but for IE5 for Mac which doesn't support single

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