Hello all,

I'm having a problem with floated blockquotes nested inside <li>
elements within a RTL layout. RTL layout in the sense of adding
dir="rtl" to the <html> element. Check a live example of the problem:


The list item's square is being shifted off to the right in IE7 and
disappears in IE6. The problem simply doesn't happen when using a
<div> instead of a <blockqoute>! The page looks fine & consistent
across all browsers except IE.

I suspected a hasLayout issue, but I couldn't spot what is triggering
it in order to fix it.

If you view the page in Firefox, you'll see that the first two <li>
elements of the list are completely spanning off the content area.
This is irrelevant to the problem here; it's a floating bug (the <div
class="biblo">) in Firefox which happens also only with RTL layouts!
It has been confirmed by the Mozilla developers and is supposed to be
fixed in Firefox 3.

Thanks in advance,
Usamah M.
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