Thanks Guys!

Adding a complete URI helped fixed the broken layout.
I'm encountering a couple of other problems however: 

The logo "" in the upper left in the #topnav div
is not showing up in Windows FF. It is a link and I
also need it to swap out on hover with its background
highlighted counterpart (this effect is not working in
any browser). Not sure I set the CSS right but that's
the effect I'm aiming for. Any suggestions?

The "BOTTOMRIGHT" div is using a 78% white tiling png
in the background, which of course shows opaque in
IE6. I attempted to use the opacity property on the
#container div with the color property set to white
but it didn't work. Any suggestions here?

Another thing I wouldn't mind some insight on, is why
the divs contained in the #container div didn't seem
to be affected at all by the top and bottom padding
set on the container? The floated divs seem to be
laying on top of the container as opposed to within -
I expected the container height to adjust according to
the amount of padding plus the height of the floated
divs but that's not what happened. Just trying to
understand the behavior that's going on here. Any
insights would be more than welcomed :). 

Again TIA!!!

PS to Thierry - In my personal work I set my DTD to
Strict but at work they use Transitional which is
beyond me why they don't just go Strict already!

> > Hello Elli,
> > 
> > Because you're not using a complete DOCTYPE URI
> that includes system
> > identifier, IE is working in Quirks Mode which
> triggers ... > > 
> > "";
> Good catch!
> I found that it gets the box model wrong and I don't
> even think of checking
> if it is running in Quirks mode, duh!
> As a side note, a DTD *without* an URI can trigger
> standard-compliant mode,
> for example:
> //EN">
> What triggers quirks mode is the missing URI or the
> presence of
> "Transitional" - depending on how one wants to look
> at it ;)

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