On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:20 AM, Elli Vizcaino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> The logo "NJ.com" in the upper left in the #topnav div
> isn't swapping out with it's highlighted counterpart
> on hover. Not sure I set the CSS right but that's
> the effect I'm aiming for. Also, the image doesn't
> show up sometimes in Windows FF. Or at least it wasn't
> showing earlier though it seems to be now. Any
> suggestions on how I can get the images to swap out on
> hover for the logo?
> http://e7flux.com/new/new.html
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A background image is just that, a _background_ image. You cannot swap
it with the actual image in the markup (i.e. the <img> element), IMO.

You know, when you encounter such problem when something so trivial
just doesn't work, it's always good to validate both the HTML and CSS.
At times a forgotten closing tag or a closing brace } can you make you
scratch your head for hours trying to solve an issue to no avail. By
looking at your code, you're mistakenly advancing the element's name
before the class selector for the sitelogo class, which is incorrect

You have: li a.sitelogo {...} [Incorrect]
It should be: li sitelogo.a and li sitelogo.a:hover respectivley!

Yet, to achieve the effect you're after, declare the logo image to li
a.sitelogo as well and add a transparent background-color to the <img>
element so it degrades gracefully.

Hey: I guess you're editing the page while I've been testing and
debugging it, and I can tell that brought me into the greatest
confusion I've had in a while. :D

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