Hi Tim

Many thanks for this. It worked like a dream.

Incidentally, I tried putting the same CSS rules in separately:
    background-image: (url...);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: bottom left;
and it didn't seem to work  (yes, I'm a Dreamweaver user). Strange, eh?



Tim Palac wrote:
> Paul,
> This was a frustrating one!  Anyway, after much fooling I replaced the 
> css for #main-top with the following:
> #main-top {
>     height: 16px;
>     width: 770px;
>     background: url(...) no-repeat bottom left;
>     }
> This works great in IE6, IE7, and Firefox for me.  For some reason it 
> was just IE6 the old version wasn't working in, guess it has weird 
> issues with background placement.
> Tim
> AIM: TymArtist
> www.timpalac.com <http://www.timpalac.com>
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:21 AM, Paul Jinks <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I've been trying to fix this till I can't remember my own name:
>     I have a page that looks just as I want in FF but which misbehaves
>     in IE6,
>     showing a gap between divs.
>     Link: http://www.pauljinks.co.uk/test/contentTemplate2.html
>     I've stripped down everything to identify the offending code,
>     which looks
>     like this:
>     <div id="container">
>        <div id="main-top"></div>
>        <div id="objective"></div>
>        <div id="objectiveBot"></div>
>     </div>
>     The  idea is that the content of #objective appears in a nice
>     rectangle
>     with rounded corners, the top and bottom of said rectangle being
>     contained
>     by #main-top and #objectiveBot.
>     here's my css:
>     body {
>            margin: 0px;
>            padding: 0px;
>            }
>     #container {
>            width: 770px;
>            margin: auto;
>            }
>     #main-top {
>            height: 16px;
>            width: 770px;
>            background-image: url(..);
>            background-repeat: no-repeat;
>            }
>     #container #objectiveBot {
>            background-image: url(..);
>            background-repeat: no-repeat;
>            width: 770px;
>            height: 23px;
>            }
>     #container #objective {
>            background-image: url(...);
>            background-repeat: repeat-y;
>            width: 770px;
>            }
>     I know it's something pretty obvious, but I can't see the wood for the
>     wotsits here.
>     Please help.
>     Paul
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