Holly Bergevin wrote:
> From: Scott Sauyet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> It's great to see your name back on this board.

Thanks, it's great to be back.  I don't know how long I'll stay; I find 
that I can only manage to keep up with one relatively high-volume list 
at a time and still do my day job.  Maybe this will be that one for a 

>>     http://scott.sauyet.com/issues/2008-03-04a/
>> In IE7, IE6, and IE5.5, all on XP,
>> When you hover onto or off of the top menu item, the text box and 
>> button move down the page.  They keep doing this; 
> It seems I've come late to the bug-squashing party. Darn.....

Alan and Gunlaug have offered simple fixes, but I'd love to see any 
analysis of what's happening.  I'm still hoping to do a little of that 
myself this week.

>> Has anyone seen this behavior?  
> Yes, probably, based on your description only. I may have even kept the page 
> somewhere. I don't think there was ever a solution found for the other case 
> I've seen. I will have to hunt around my computer and see what I can find, 
> and see if Alan's fix works for that version (assuming I have it, that is).
> I'm glad you got a solution for your problem. Now.... don't be a stranger!

I'll try.

> <cue sounds of rummaging through old files> 

Hey, if you're good at finding the suckers, I have some missing 
Javascript...  :-)


   -- Scott
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