Mark Richards wrote:

> I'm curious as to why you're targeting various IEs with hacks when
> conditional comments let you do the same thing?  Especially if the hacks
> are used to import external sheets in the first place, it seems to me
> it's easier to just use CCs to load browser-specific fix-up sheets in
> the first place.
> Mark R

I don't do fix ups, I do rescues :-)

What may be easier for you is the complete opposite to what is easy for me 
(well at this precise moment in time that is). Why are you suggesting in the 
first place to pollute your source with different conditional comments on every 
single page of a site. That seems like to much work and maintenance for me. Is 
that what you do?

Please take a look at the source of my (old template) which I see offline in my 


In the source you will find this line after the linked style sheet.

<!--#include virtual="test-style-script.txt" -->


Now after reading the text in the above include you will possibly now be 
reconsidering why you have hard coded those conditional comment in the first 

Take a look at my source again which I see offline and look at the tail end of 
it. In one of those includes is this line of code.

<div class="ie6fix"><!-- this class is only needed for IE6/Win or earlier -->

All I have to do is pull that line of code out of that include when IE6 
disappears over the horizon (2020). This is the filtering hack I'm now using.

@import url("test-ie8.css");
@import test-ie; /* For IE5~7/Win */

The second import is for IE/Mac. Please note my message to Alex. IE8 
conditional comment will target bundled IE versions. So testing really becomes 
a mess when using conditional comments.

I not targeting browsers but filtering the good browsers out of disastrous mess 
and rescuing others from the abyss. I have finished the template now and it now 
appears live.


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